Miraculous Vitamin D

You may not be surprised to hear that Vitamin D is intrinsically linked to hair growth. Blood levels outside of the optimal range are always a concern to Trichologists. Vitamin D is a substance that’s essential to health. As well as providing nourishment for hair shaft development and growth, optimal levels are vital for the support of the health of many of the body’s systems including the body’s nerves, muscles, and bones. The negative impacts that long-term deficiency can have on the health of the scalp, growth of hair, and health of all the human body organs are incredibly significant.

Vitamin D is a substance that contributes to:

  1. regulation and the healthy function of all body organs and systems
  2. balanced regulation of the life cycle of hair follicles, and it contributes to the optimal health of hair.
  3. the normal function of the skin so for some folk it may be helpful for treating (scalp) psoriasis, or eczema.
  4. ensuring  that hair, skin, nails, teeth, and bones are well-nourished and strong
  5. cell renewal and differentiation process for DNA

Why are there reports of a World Wide Pandemic of Vitamin D deficiency?

Modern lifestyle, age-related health and well-being, use of cosmetics, darker skin pigmentation, genetics, dietary sensitivity, and limited food items that contain Vitamin D all influence and minimise the amount we produce.

Sun Exposure
Most people know that when skin, the body’s largest organ, is exposed to the sun, production of vitamin D occurs in the skin. Unfortunately these days the skin barely gets the chance to see the sun. The fear of getting skin cancer has generated a frenzy for smothering skin with sunblock,  personal care products and modest clothing,  all unfortunately prevent the skin from manufacturing vitamin D.  You might think that deficiency isn’t such a concern in countries with hours of sun every day, but this isn’t the case.  All humans are vulnerable to depleted or deficient levels of vitamin D especially, dark skin which doesn’t absorb UV rays as easily as pale skin, so it’s more difficult for the body to manufacture.

Thankfully sun exposure isn’t the only way of getting vitamin D.

Dietary intake

Food items that contain vitamin D are limited, and the content is highly variable. For example, in fish, different kinds offer vastly different values. Click for foods list.  Researchers have found in milk there was less than 80% of the stated amount suggesting that you can’t always rely on the stated quantities of vitamin D in a food item.  Some foods have synthetic vitamin D added turning them into the fortified version of the food. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin D was developed decades ago (1930’s) when scientists discovered that a low dose of the substance boosted the health of children. Since then doses haven’t been adapted and increased at a rate that can resolve the low levels of deficiency prevailing in the UK today. In 2021 you would need to drink 20 – 40 glasses of milk every day to get an ideal intake of vitamin D.

The amount of vitamin D found in most daily multivitamin supplements is much lower than the ideal optimal dose. As stated before the  RDI of vitamin D was developed in the 1930’s and haven’t been adapted at a rate that can resolve the low levels of deficiency rampant in the UK today. The scare mongers suggest that vitamin D toxicity is a problem, but in fact, toxicity is very rare. However, some research has found that the synthetic form of vitamin D, (a prescription-only drug branded as Rocaltrol) is much more potent than natural vitamin D, so taking this particular drug has resulted in toxicity for some patients. Reports may be complicated and scare some readers so they decide not to take natural vitamin D supplementation and end up with the health consequences of vitamin D deficiency.

Some medicines can decrease vitamin D levels when a patient really needs to be supplementing to correct depleted levels. If you’d like to find out whether your medication inhibits vitamin D manufacture ping me an email and ask! 

However, underlying these reasons is the fact that should be remembered, that vitamin D gives remarkable benefits to your hair and overall health if proper natural vitamin D therapy is taken.

Different kinds of Vitamin D

There are two types of natural Vitamin D

  1.  Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) – from the sun and some fish i.e salmon
  2. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) – from some plant foods i.e mushrooms

Generally, the vitamin D supplements available over the counter are D3. Humans synthesize vitamin D3 in our skin and not vitamin D2. Vitamin D3 is three times more potent than vitamin D2. A digested capsule of inactive vitamin D3 cholecalciferol goes through several transforming processes within the body until it becomes the active form of vitamin D3 the hormone calcitriol.

When digested vitamin D2 has to transform into D3 to offer its full potential. The body has to work harder to turn D2 ergocalciferol into D3 cholecalciferol.

Vitamin or Hormone?

‘the biggest medical mistake, made in the ’30s, hasn’t been corrected. Vitamin D isn’t a vitamin it’s a hormone’.

Quote by Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi MD

What’s the difference between a vitamin and a hormone?

Definition of Vitamin – a substance that our body can’t produce, vitamins must be consumed in our food.

Definition of Hormone – a substance which the glands or organs of the body produce (such as cortisol, insulin, thyroid hormone) which then travels through the bloodstream and does what it does in almost every organ in the body.

Hormone D Offers Miraculous Health Benefits as High Dose Therapy!

A  few doctors and health practitioners have been aware of this fact for years. Unfortunately, the people that need to have this information shared with them aren’t hearing it, or the message hasn’t been shared in a way that will reach them.

Your doctor is unlikely to point this out as most Medical Consultants and GP’s aren’t trained about vitamins, only drugs. When analysing blood test reports most doctors rely on ranges determined by the general population averages for health used by the labs that check blood samples. Therefore, even when symptoms of poor health suggest a gap in vitamin D support, depleted or insufficient levels are ignored. 

Other sources of information such as the internet, newspapers, social-media, churn out new versions of old articles. Even though there is growing evidence available stating that high-dose Vitamin D is a highly effective treatment for numerous health concerns.

If you know you have depleted or deficient levels of vitamin D and are considering self-managing therapy, aiming for the optimal range in blood levels may be a good idea. Optimal levels of vitamin D may relieve symptoms of hair loss, and hair growth concerns, as well as physical health issues,

When monitoring blood level ranges of vitamin D the recommended optimal result to aim for is

152 – 225 nmol/L. On a blood test report, vitamin D may be shown as Vitamin D 25 (0H)D, or Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy.

The active form of vitamin D3 after transformation in the liver and kidneys is Calcitriol. As a hormone, it’s shown on blood tests as 1.25 (OH)2 D3 or 1.25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. Calcitriol is sometimes measured to see if the kidneys are satisfactorily transforming the substance from cholecalciferol. For a guide to check your vitamin D status see below.

How to correct deficiency and safely optimise levels?

If you’d like to find more out about the ‘superpowers’ of vitamin D / hormone D the following books may support your desire to take control of preventing and relieving yourself of health complaints and grow healthy strong hair.  They provide information so that you’ll gain the knowledge and insight you need to safely resolve insufficient vitamin D blood levels by raising them to optimal.  The content has been compiled by several doctors who have spent many years practicing high-dose vitamin D therapy with unquestionably amazing results, facts are presented in an easy-to-read format.

Free on Kindle or available in paperback:
Power of Vitamin D – Author Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi MD

True High Dose Vitamin D Therapy – Author Tiago Henriques

For a guide to check your vitamin D status click here.

To buy natural vitamin D supplements for maintenance of good or optimal levels click here 

Do not take supplements if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking prescription drugs without speaking to a doctor or pharmacist about possible adverse effects or interactions.

Featured Photo by Jesus Santos on Unsplash



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